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Thank you for participating in the Google Advanced Search with Operators Course. Please take a few moments to provide an evaluation of your experience through this course.


Prior to the Course, did the trainer welcome any opportunity in the event you required any special needs or accommodations?
Prior to the Course, did the trainer state that Google Meet would be used to facilitate the course?
Prior to the Course, did the trainer provide assistance, information, or resources to use the interactive features of Google Meet (Screen Sharing, Raise Hand, & Chat)?
Prior to the Course, did the trainer provide an overview of the topic, as well as asked for you to assess your proficiency of the topic?

Group Facilitation

During the Course, did you feel inclusive in your participation with the group?
During the Course, did the trainer provide ample opportunities for you to ask questions if you had any?
During the Course, were all of your questions answered to your satisfaction (if applicable)?


Was the trainer knowledgeable of the course material?
Did the trainer explain the course concepts clearly?
Did the trainer engage students and facilitate discussions effectively?

Course Content

Was the course content relevant and practical?
Did the course meet the stated learning objectives?
Were the activities and hands-on demonstrations effective?
Will the course be useful for your professional development?

Course Logistics

Was the technology used for delivery of this course (Google Meet) effective?
Was the agenda and flow / pace of this course conducive to effective learning?

Open-ended Questions