About the Show

Tapped-In Tuesdays is a Live-Streamed Broadcast produced by Charles “cp3o” Parks, III of MultiMillionaire in partnership with Dr. Tandra Price, M.A., “The Networking Ninja” of UCONNETIT, LLC. This show focuses on Converting Conversation into Cash by building stronger, more purposeful professional relationships through Conversation and Social Engagement.



Links for the Live-Streamed Broadcasts, as well as archives of previously-broadcasted episodes, will appear here.

Episode 221018
(October 18, 2022)

In today’s episode of Tapped-In Tuesday, Dr. Tandra Price, M.A., “The Networking Ninja” and Charles “cp3o” Parks, III continue their discussion about interpersonal and digital strategies you can use to convert purposeful conversation into cash. Charles also teaches a lesson on negotiation.

Episode 221011
(October 11, 2022)

In today’s episode of Tapped-In Tuesday, Dr. Tandra Price, M.A., “The Networking Ninja” and Charles “cp3o” Parks, III continue their discussion about interpersonal and digital strategies you can use to convert purposeful conversation into cash. Charles also talks about Internet trolls.

Episode 221004
(October 4, 2022)

In the inaugural episode of Tapped-In Tuesday, Dr. Tandra Price, M.A., “The Networking Ninja” and Charles “cp3o” Parks, III gives an introduction to our upcoming Ultimate Conversation Mastery e-Learning platform, and discuss some interpersonal and digital strategies for initiating purposeful conversations.